This workshop will be held at the CVPR 2024, on June 18th, 2024, 8:30am to 5:30pm in Summit 342 at Seattle Convention Centre, WA, USA and streamed online via zoom (CVPR registration required).


Real-world on-road testing of autonomous vehicles can be expensive or dangerous, making simulation a crucial tool to accelerate the development of safe autonomous driving (AD), a technology with enormous real-world impact. However, to minimise the sim-to-real gap, good agent behaviour models and sensor/perception imitation are paramount. A recent surge in published papers in this fast-growing field has led to a lot of progress, but several fundamental questions remain unanswered, for example regarding the fidelity and diversity of generative behaviour and perception models, generation of realistic controllable scenes at scale and the safety assessment of the simulation toolchain. In this workshop, our goal is to bring together practitioners and researchers from all areas of AD simulation and to discuss pressing challenges, recent breakthroughs and future directions.


This full day workshop will take place on Tuesday June 18th, 08:45 to 17:30 PST (UTC-8).

Below times are in Seattle time. Current time in Seattle is .


Felix Heide

Torc Robotics & Princeton University

Generating The Invisible: Capturing and Generating Edge-cases in Autonomous Driving

Siva Manivasagam

Head of Sensor Simulation, Waabi

Generative AI for Developing and Deploying Self-driving Systems Safely
Poster Presentations 1
Coffee break and poster session
Posters are in Arch Building Exhibit Hall

Dragomir Anguelov

Vice President and Head of Research, Waymo

ML for Realistic and Efficient Driving Simulation

Aleksandr Petiushko

Head of ML Research, Nuro

Combining Imitation and Reinforcement Learning in Behavior

Gustav Markkula

Professor, University of Leeds

Valid human agents in simulated AD testing: Behavioural phenomena and cognitive mechanisms
Poster Presentations 2
Coffee break and poster session
Posters are in Arch Building Exhibit Hall

Jamie Shotton

Chief Scientist, Wayve

Frontiers in Embodied AI for Autonomous Driving

Kashyap Chitta

University of Tübingen

Synthesizing Simulation Environments with Generative Models
Panel Discussion
With Dragomir Anguelov, Jamie Shotton, Gustav Markkula, Aleksandr Petiushko and Felix Heide. Moderated by Sanja Fidler.

Invited Speakers

Felix Heide

Torc Robotics & Princeton University

Siva Manivasagam

Head of Sensor Simulation, Waabi

Dragomir Anguelov

Vice President and Head of Research, Waymo

Aleksandr Petiushko

Head of ML Research, Nuro

Gustav Markkula

Professor, University of Leeds

Jamie Shotton

Chief Scientist, Wayve

Kashyap Chitta

University of Tübingen


DistillNeRF: Distilling Neural Radiance Fields into Sparse Voxels for Generalizable Scene Representations
Letian Wang, Seung Wook Kim, Jiawei Yang, Cunjun Yu, Boris Ivanovic, Steven Waslander, Yue Wang, Sanja Fidler, Marco Pavone, Peter Karkus
A Two-Level Stochastic Model for the Lateral Movement of Vehicles Within Their Lane Under Homogeneous Traffic Conditions
Nicole Neis
Dense reinforcement learning for safety validation of autonomous vehicles
Shuo Feng, Haowei Sun, Xintao Yan, Haojie Zhu, Zhengxia Zou, Shengyin Shen, Henry X. Liu
Dynamic LiDAR Re-simulation using Compositional Neural Fields
Hanfeng Wu, Xingxing Zuo, Stefan Leutenegger, Or Litany, Konrad Schindler, Shengyu Huang
Editable Scene Simulation for Autonomous Driving via Collaborative LLM-Agents
Yuxi Wei, Zi Wang, Yifan Lu, Chenxin Xu, Changxing Liu, Hao Zhao, Siheng Chen, Yanfeng Wang
AIDE: An Automatic Data Engine for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
Mingfu Liang, Jong-Chyi Su, Samuel Schulter, Sparsh Garg, Shiyu Zhao, Ying Wu, Manmohan Chandraker
Multi-Level Neural Scene Graphs for Dynamic Urban Environments
Tobias Fischer, Lorenzo Porzi, Samuel Rota Bulò, Marc Pollefeys, Peter Kontschieder
KnowMoformer: Knowledge-Conditioned Motion Transformer for Controllable Traffic Scenario Simulation
Honglin He, Shu Li, Jingxuan Yang, Linxuan He, Yi ZHANG, Qiujing Lu, Shuo Feng
LidaRF: Delving into Lidar for Neural Radiance Field on Street Scenes
shanlin sun, Bingbing Zhuang, Ziyu Jiang, Buyu Liu, Xiaohui Xie, Manmohan Chandraker
Multiverse Transformer: Advancing Closed-Loop Multi-Agent Simulation with Generative Model
Yu Wang, Tiebiao Zhao, Fan Yi, Guangzhi Cao
Neural Rendering for Safety-critical Autonomous Driving Simulation
William Ljungbergh, Adam Tonderski, Joakim Johnander, Holger Caesar, Kalle Åström, Michael Felsberg, Christoffer Petersson
Sim-to-Real adversarial domain adaptation for 3D object detection
Maciej Wozniak, Mattias Hansson, Marko Thiel, Patric Jensfelt
NeuRAD: Neural Rendering for Autonomous Driving
Adam Tonderski, Carl Lindström, Georg Hess, William Ljungbergh, Lennart Svensson, Christoffer Petersson
Divide and Conquer: A Systematic Approach for Industrial Scale High-Definition OpenDRIVE Generation from Sparse Point Clouds
Leon Eisemann
SAFE-SIM: Safety-Critical Closed-Loop Traffic Simulation with Controllable Adversaries
Wei-Jer Chang, Francesco Pittaluga, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan, Manmohan Chandraker
HD Maps are Lane Detection Generalizers : A Novel Generative Framework for Single-Source Domain Generalization
Daeun Lee, Minhyeok Heo, Jiwon Kim
Scaling Is All You Need: Autonomous Driving with JAX-Accelerated Reinforcement Learning
Moritz Harmel, Anubhav Paras, Andreas Pasternak, Nicholas Roy, Gary Linscott
Taming Transformers for Realistic Lidar Point Cloud Generation
Hamed Haghighi, Amir Samadi, Mehrdad Dianati, Valentina Donzella, Kurt Debattista
RACL: Risk Aware Closed-Loop Agent Simulation with High Fidelity
Qiujing Lu, Ruoxuan Bai, Shu Li, Honglin He, Shuo Feng
Text-to-Drive: Diverse Driving Behavior Synthesis via Large Language Models
Phat Tan Nguyen, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Zhang-Wei Hong, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus
Fairness in Autonomous Driving: Towards Understanding Confounding Factors in Object Detection under Challenging Weather
Bimsara Pathiraja, Caleb Liu, Ransalu Senanayake
DriveLM: Driving with Graph Visual Question Answering
Chonghao Sima, Katrin Renz, Kashyap Chitta, Li Chen, Hanxue Zhang, Chengen Xie, Ping Luo, Andreas Geiger, Hongyang Li
DRIVEVLM: The Convergence of Autonomous Driving and Large Vision-Language Models
Xiaoyu Tian, Junru Gu, Bailin Li, Yicheng Liu, Chenxu Hu, Yang Wang, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xianpeng Lang, Hang Zhao
DrivingGaussian: Composite Gaussian Splatting for Surrounding Dynamic Autonomous Driving Scenes
Xiaoyu Zhou, Zhiwei Lin, Xiaojun Shan, Yongtao Wang, Deqing Sun, Ming-Hsuan Yang
HUGS: Holistic Urban 3D Scene Understanding via Gaussian Splatting
Hongyu Zhou, Jiahao Shao, Lu Xu, Dongfeng Bai, Weichao Qiu, Bingbing Liu, Yue Wang, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao



Maximilian Igl


Zan Gojcic



Maximilian Naumann

Bosch Center for Artifical Intelligence and KIT

Jonah Philion



Thomas Gilles


Yue Wang


Peter Karkus


Or Litany


Azadeh Dinparastdjadid


Xinshuo Weng



Yiren Lu

Waymo Research

Katie Luo


Anqi Joyce Yang


Jiawei Yang


Sanja Fidler

NVIDIA and University of Toronto


Shimon Whiteson

Waymo UK and University of Oxford

Marco Pavone

NVIDIA and Stanford University
